Being a member means going hand in hand with the I-PAL Network to contribute to efforts to strengthen Interpretation as a profession, contribute to the development of job competencies, and achieve a positive impact on practice.

For Future Members of the I-PAL Network
We only collect your personal data for review, communication, and to provide you with the benefits of your membership. All information is stored securely and is non-transferable.
The data you enter in this form is only accessible to the I-PAL Executive Committee.
By filling out and submitting this form, you are understood to agree to provide your basic information, and upon approval of your affiliation, the creation of your member profile on the I-PAL Network is acknowledged.
We only collect your personal data for review, communication, and to provide you with the benefits of your membership. All information is stored securely and is non-transferable.
The data you enter in this form is only accessible to the I-PAL Executive Committee.
By filling out and submitting this form, you acknowledge your agreement to provide your basic information, and upon approval of your affiliation, the creation of your member profile on the I-PAL Network is understood.
Following the review of your application by the I-PAL Council, you will receive an official notification via email or message informing you of the status of your membership:
Membership Approved – Your application has been reviewed and approved. As a result, your professional profile will be created, and you will receive formal communication with instructions to complete the activation of your membership. From that moment, you will have access to the members-only areas and the corresponding benefits.
Membership Pending – Additional information will be requested to complete the evaluation process. In this case, you will receive specific feedback regarding the aspects of your application that require further attention or adjustment.
Membership Not Approved – You will be informed of the specific reasons why your application does not currently align with the mission and collaborative principles of the I-PAL network.